
User Guide


Welcome to CalculaChroniclesOfTheAlgorithmicKingdom. This is a simple text based game. Your goal in this game is to defeat the enemies within and claim victory for yourself as a math wizard.

Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Download the latest version of CalculaChroniclesOfTheAlgorithmicKingdom from here.


The Map

This game displays the character’s position on a 2D grid, the player is denoted by a P and the other interactable entities are denoted by other symbols. The entities on the map are randomly generated in each play through of the game.

The Player

At all times, the player’s health, money and exp is displayed at the top of the screen. Dropping the player’s health to 0 will cause the player to die and the game is over.

The Text Box

At all times, on the bottom part of the screen, a text box will be visible and it will be visible. The text box informs the player of narrations from the narrator, dialogue from the entities, general instructions from the user interface and also error messages when they occur.


Traversing the map is similar to many common computer games. We use the “WASD” system such that entering w to the program shifts the player up by 1 space, entering a shifts the player to the left, entering s shifts the player down 1 space and lastly, entering d shifts the player to the right by 1 space. This movement can only take place when the 2D grid map is visible.

Additionally, should the player wish to move more than 1 space at a time, the player can modify the directional commands by adding a number in this manner.

E.g d 10

The above command moves the player rightwards by 10 spaces.


To interact with any entity in the game the player first has to move towards the symbol and be within close proximity to the symbol. We define close as the player needing to be directly above, below, to the left or to the right of an entity symbol, in other words, there can be no gap in between the player and the entity and interactions cannot occur diagonally.

To interact the player enters e.

This action will bring up a new interface called the battle interface which can be for either battling enemies or accessing the shop. This interface will display an image that corresponds to the symbol on the map and gives you 2 options, to run or to fight.


Should the player, in the battle interface, determine that the enemy is too strong, the player may choose to type run to back out of the fight and return to the main map to continue moving around.


Should the player, in the battle interface, wish to fight the enemy. Entering fight in the battle interface will start a fight. A series of math questions will appear based on the strength of the enemy. Generally, stronger enemies will come with harder math questions.

The player will then enter the correct answer. The answer is guaranteed to be an integer. Getting the question correct will cause the player to attack the enemy and getting it wrong will cause the enemy to attack the player. Getting the questions wrong repeatedly will deplete the player’s health and once the player’s health reaches 0, the player dies and the game is over. However, depleting the enemy’s health to 0 will result in a victory and the player is rewarded with some gold and exp before returning the player to the main map.


There are various consumables the player can acquire throughout the game. The items are consumable items, meaning the item can be only used once before it is destroyed. There are 2 general types of items, the healing item and the damage item. Healing items will recover the player’s health, if the player’s health is already maxed out at 100hp(health points), the healing item will OVER-HEAl and increase the player’s health past the initial 100hp. Damage items will empower the player’s next attack to do increased damage on a successful hit.


Items are purchasable at the shop denoted by a ‘#’ on the map. Interacting with the shop causes the player to enter the shop. Just like the enemies, the player must enter fight to browse the shop’s items. After entering the shop, buy an item by entering the index of the item and the item will automatically be purchased and transferred to the Inventory. The purchase will only go through if the player has enough money. To exit the shop, the player enters exit.


The inventory of the player can only be accessed when the player is not currently interacting with an entity. To bring up the inventory the player enters i. To use an item the player enters the keyword use followed by the index of the item.

E.g use 1

To close the inventory, the player enters close.


Sometimes, hints are scattered throughout the map such that some text will display just below the map to help the player, hints are entirely passive and no user input is required for the hints to trigger.


Enter q to quit the game. The game is automatically saved.


If you need a refresher on the controls, entering either h or help will bring up a set of instructions.


Our program can save map when you are playing the game.
Also, it will save the player status and your inventory items Please Note: After buying things in shop or fighting with a monster, you have to move on the map to save your file.


Should a reset be necessary, the player can completely wipe the current progress of the game and regenerate a new game at ANY POINT IN THE GAME by entering reset.


Q: Is there any prerequisite to run the application.

A: Java 11 needs to be installed and the jar file must be in an empty folder before running.

Command Summary

w a s d to move around e to interact q to quit h to print help menu run to escape the battle interface fight to commence a fight i to bring up inventory close to leave inventory exit to leave the shop reset to reset the entire game and start a new game. All math questions have integer answers.